Welcome to the SIDE and IMAPP download page.

You can access PC-SIDE and IMAPP free of charge by clicking on the links at left.

PC-SIDE (PC Software for Intake Distribution Estimation) was produced by researchers in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State Universityin 2001. The program can be used to implement the ISU Method (Nusser et al., 1996) to estimate the distributions of usual intake of nutrients, foods consumed almost daily, and other dietary components. It can also be used to adjust biomarker data for within-person variability (see, e.g., Taylor et al., 2012, AJCN).

IMAPP (Intake Modeling, Assessment and Planning Program) was developed by Alicia Carriquiry (Iowa State University), Suzanne Murphy (University of Hawaii Cancer Research Center) and Lindsay Allen (USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center) in collaboration with Bruno de Benoit and Lisa Rogers (World Health Organization). Funding for development of the software was provided by WHO. IMAPP uses the PC-SIDE engine to estimate distributions of usual intake of nutrients and foods, but can also be used to plan intakes of groups. Using IMAPP you can estimate the amount of a fortificant that would have to be added to a food vehicle in order to reach a desired prevalence of nutrient inadequacy. Thus, IMAPP can be used to simulate different fortification scenarios, to compare the efficiency of various food vehicles for fortificants and in general to predict whether a fortification intervention will be effective.

Before you can download the programs, you will be asked to agree to a user's license. Further, so that we can assemble a list of users of the programs we ask that you provide some information about yourself. The users list will allow us to let you know about updates, tips and corrections so please provide a current email address at which we can reach you.

Please contribute to our software fund if you possibly can! We distribute the programs free of charge, which means that we have no funding for continued updating of the software or for providing technical support to users. For-profit users (e.g., users in industry or consulting firms) and users in academia who have some funding disponibility are asked to send a suggested contribution of $300 - $500 per program. Please contact Alicia Carriquiry (alicia@iastate.edu) for additional information.